Thank you LIPNEWS.COM, for writing this. You know many times I ask myself why, and then I cannot help but answer my own questions. We as human being have flaws and we make many mistakes. I will the first one to stand in line and admit to my mistakes and my flaws.
Since I decided to come out of hiding and to speak out against Domestic Violence and Officer Involved Domestic Violence it has been a long and struggling journey. The day’s and years has gone by when I wished I could be like Superman and protect all of you! Know this, no matter how much someone tries to tear me down; we will continue to stand side by side with YOU! This is not just my journey…there are many of us!
I had to share this amazing comment from LIPNEWS.
To Ms. Torres: get off your five Facebook accounts, yoiur Google+ account, your Twitter account and all of your blogspots where you sit all day trying to sell that disgusting book and do something to actually help women. Your book is a joke and does nothing to help women involved in abusive relationships. Absolutely nothing!
And don’t get me started on Clara Colon. If she’s a writer and a blogger then she shouldn’t steal other people’s stories. My favorite is her YouTube video where she looks like she just got out of bed and among the twenty other people she’s suing she says, “I will be filing against my first lawyer, my second lawyer, my third lawyer and my fourth lawyer,” (click here).
Ms. Torres, take your band of five followers (who have not actually read your book), and Paula, and go away now.