Tuesday, July 29, 2014


The last four years of my life has been a blessing. I have spoken to many Domestic Violence Organizations, Rowan University, interviews, but along with my blessings there has been some who have attacked me verbally. What some do not realize our God did not bring me through this journey without his protection. Our GREAT SPIRIT has connected me with a amazing lady Bridgette Holmes. So to those who have not and will not support me, it's okay, I love you until the end of time! God bless you.

With love and respect,

Rosaura Torres - Author

Monday, July 21, 2014


I come to realize that some may not like the fact I continue to speak out about the abuse I sustained from my ex-husband and a horrible state trooper.  The words I continue to speak may be changed and moved in all sorts of directions but I must speak them.  I hear the voices of those who are still afraid to speak out. 

Ok we can feel one way or the other.  I can feel strongly how, OIDV AND DV has affected so many lives. I think many may take my voice too personally.  No matter how much time continues to go forward, for me and many more survivors, we will never be able to change the abuse of the past but…to continue to speak for the voices who do not have a voice anymore.

Officer Involved Domestic Violence and Domestic Violence is a topic many cannot handle but…it will not and has not gone from our lives.  So know that repeating what my ex-husband Keith Sadler and the PA state trooper Anthony Suber, abuse is not out of hate for them, it is my VOICE.  I will never give up in helping others to receive JUSTICE AND ACCOUNTABILITY. 

Thank you

Rosaura Torres - Author

Friday, July 11, 2014



For years I have called and written our US JUSTICE DEPARTMENT.  For years our cry's and there are many begging for help has been ignored.

Yesterday evening from the hours of 6-8 at City Hall in Philadelphia, PA, many families came together to speak out and share their stories of their loved ones being killed by a Philadelphia Police Officer.  Yes the majority were African American’s and a few Latino’s decent amazing people.

I was given the opportunity by Mathew Smith, to speak as a survivor of Officer Involved Domestic Violence.  Yes I shared my story to the US JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, how many high ranking officers knew of the abuse I suffered, how I looked for help to city council, and yes the mayor at the time, how many knew what my ex-husband Keith R. Sadler did to me and it went on deaf ears.
Just sitting and watching the look on their faces, knowing that they are hearing me and maybe a bit late but…They heard me. 

I felt I was released from my chains, I do not have to whisper.   Or gather my strength when
being attacked but…free to speak out.

Thank you all.

Rosaura Torres - Author

Saturday, July 5, 2014


Reviews Written by
susan RSS Feed

Abuse Hidden Behind The Badge
Abuse Hidden Behind The Badge
by Rosaura Torres
Edition: Paperback
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars filling the gap in women's stories of survival, September 22, 2013
This review is from: Abuse Hidden Behind The Badge (Paperback)
There has been a void in women's stories of abuse and survival. This autobiography by Ms. Torres helps to fill that void by telling her own story, the story of one latina who could be any or every woman. She writes in a down to earth, compelling way that allows the reader to relate easily. I cried with her, became angry for her, and celebrated with her. For any woman married to a cop who not only thinks it's his right to treat her like a punching bag and with the support of his cop buddies he gets away with it, this personal account will be a beacon of hope that this seemingly unwinnable situation can be overcome. Thank you, Ms. Torres for writing. We need more women to speak up against abuse hidden behind the badge.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


In any relationship, there are good times and bad. In sickness or in health. My ex husband Keith R. Sadler left a month after he caused my first retinal detachment. Don't leave your love one because they fall in sickness. Show them the faith you have in each other and in God. The Devil is at work to destroy the love you have for one another. Be blessed my family and friends.
With warmth and love,
Rosaura Torres