Sunday, December 14, 2014



As a SURVIVOR OF POLICE OFFICERS INVOLVED DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, I speak and stand for so many of my sisters and brothers who have been trying with every ounce of THEIR strength to receive JUSTICE!

Shame on those who ignored us, I hold you accountable for calling us LIARS, bitter, evil and vindictive. Mayor of Lancaster, PA felt I should have been vetted!

You tried to silence us with threats and name calling. You ignored all the suffering WE have been through!!! Many lives have been taken, because you refused to see the truth!

Now I stand with all of those who have been ignored! You will never be able to push us back into the darkness or silence US!!!

Author Rosaura Torres

Friday, November 14, 2014


I accompanied my daughter because she heard advertisement on the radio at Value Kia located at 6501 Essington Avenue in Philadelphia, PA had great deals on vehicle.

First we sat for several hours waiting for a sales person.  For a 2013 minivan with 41,000 miles and no alarm, cloth seating and the vehicle fired back, would you believe they wanted $23,000 dollars for the van.

Shame on this dealership and your false advertisement is so unprofessional but not surprising.  I must applauded my daughter Olympia, because her friend Matt, advised her  to have  her older brother George, run the car through Kelley Blue Book and the car was only valued between 18,000 - 16,000.  I am so proud of my daughter....Mami did not raise no dummy!!!

Do I recommended you go to this dealership, NO!  We all deserve to be treated fairly.  If you do right by all your customers, you will have many more come to your dealership.

Have a great day!

Rosaura Torres

Sunday, November 9, 2014


My sister/friend Clara Colon and I spoke on this horrible Epidemic in regards to many POLICE OFFICER INVOLVED DOMESTIC VIOLENCE/DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Many on the Elizabeth New Jersey and Philadelphia Police Department would rather we just go away and SHUT UP. I refuse and so does Clara. I often wonder, do many realize the damage many abusers have caused US? Until those within many police dept stop covering up the abuse! We WILL CONTINUE TO SPEAK OUT! GOD BLESS YOU Clara!!! Love ya!

Thank you,

Rosaura Torres

Friday, October 24, 2014


I woke up this morning with much on my mind. I realize that we as human beings tend to be critical of one another.

Many of us judge, if we are too skinny or too fat, or just not pretty enough. Many will even say “I have more than you” or better education and like always I started talking to our God, and it hit me!
When our time comes to go home with our loved ones who have left before us, The Great Spirit does not care how much more you had on this earth, or how prettier, thinner, or more education you might have then others.

Our father put each and every one of us on this earth for a purpose. Follow your dreams encourage your love ones, your partner, husband, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends family members, your friends. Even a stranger.

I personally will continue to follow my path and help all people.

Thank you for your time.

With much respect and love,

Rosaura Torres - Author of "Abuse Hidden Behind The Badge"

Friday, September 19, 2014


Just recently it has come to my attention that instead of supporting each other through police officer involved in domestic violence. Many would rather attack and not support one another. Whenever someone reaches out to me from New Jersey or New York, I always make it a habit to contact Clara Colón.
I am not here for any popularity contests, Clara Colón and I are trying our best to help other victims and survivors of domestic violence. If we decide to speak out if we decide to tell our story it is our right. I stood my ground in regards to my ex-husband Keith Sadler, I did beg for help, I did write to our politicians here in the city of Philadelphia, PA. Pennsylvania State trooper Anthony Suber who, dragged me with a police car almost 12 years ago on September 27, 2014. This horrible human being left me in the middle of the road bleeding and begging for help.
The Jury in Lancaster PA would not hold him liable for the injuries that I sustained. No matter what happened in the courts in the state of Pennsylvania I continue to stand strong for many so when you choose to come at me and attack me and call me a liar and call Clara Colon a liar,
you cannot hurt us anymore we stand strong.
Police. Officer involved in domestic violence and domestic violence is an epidemic that has gone out of control. Many would call us radicals out-of-control because we speak to truth when it involves a police officer involved domestic violence and domestic violence.
Be blessed,
Rosaura Torres

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


What is wrong with our Department of Human RELATIONS all over the United States of America?  In the state of New Mexico there are over 6000 women and children in homeless shelters.

Many of these wonderful organizations and I am being sarcastic when I say wonder, say there is no funds available for our children and woman of victims of domestic violence.  Our country continues to help other countries with billions of dollars but you are unable to help in your own backyard?!  I have a victim by the name of Franca Gray, who has been trying to get help from Department of Human Resources to no avail no help but…what is she supposed to do when they say they have no resources.  Franca Gray continues to try to keep a roof over her head. 

Begging for help to keep her children safe but….without the resources and no help what can she do?!

Just like how many who were in charge with many Hospital for our VETS, they treated our VETS horribly and many died by the hands who are supposed to help them.  Shame on those who MISHANDLED THE RESOURCES, IT CONTINUES TO HAPPEN TO OUR WOMEN AND CHILDREN and MEN!

Please help and wake up!

Rosaura Torres Author


Tuesday, July 29, 2014


The last four years of my life has been a blessing. I have spoken to many Domestic Violence Organizations, Rowan University, interviews, but along with my blessings there has been some who have attacked me verbally. What some do not realize our God did not bring me through this journey without his protection. Our GREAT SPIRIT has connected me with a amazing lady Bridgette Holmes. So to those who have not and will not support me, it's okay, I love you until the end of time! God bless you.

With love and respect,

Rosaura Torres - Author

Monday, July 21, 2014


I come to realize that some may not like the fact I continue to speak out about the abuse I sustained from my ex-husband and a horrible state trooper.  The words I continue to speak may be changed and moved in all sorts of directions but I must speak them.  I hear the voices of those who are still afraid to speak out. 

Ok we can feel one way or the other.  I can feel strongly how, OIDV AND DV has affected so many lives. I think many may take my voice too personally.  No matter how much time continues to go forward, for me and many more survivors, we will never be able to change the abuse of the past but…to continue to speak for the voices who do not have a voice anymore.

Officer Involved Domestic Violence and Domestic Violence is a topic many cannot handle but…it will not and has not gone from our lives.  So know that repeating what my ex-husband Keith Sadler and the PA state trooper Anthony Suber, abuse is not out of hate for them, it is my VOICE.  I will never give up in helping others to receive JUSTICE AND ACCOUNTABILITY. 

Thank you

Rosaura Torres - Author

Friday, July 11, 2014



For years I have called and written our US JUSTICE DEPARTMENT.  For years our cry's and there are many begging for help has been ignored.

Yesterday evening from the hours of 6-8 at City Hall in Philadelphia, PA, many families came together to speak out and share their stories of their loved ones being killed by a Philadelphia Police Officer.  Yes the majority were African American’s and a few Latino’s decent amazing people.

I was given the opportunity by Mathew Smith, to speak as a survivor of Officer Involved Domestic Violence.  Yes I shared my story to the US JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, how many high ranking officers knew of the abuse I suffered, how I looked for help to city council, and yes the mayor at the time, how many knew what my ex-husband Keith R. Sadler did to me and it went on deaf ears.
Just sitting and watching the look on their faces, knowing that they are hearing me and maybe a bit late but…They heard me. 

I felt I was released from my chains, I do not have to whisper.   Or gather my strength when
being attacked but…free to speak out.

Thank you all.

Rosaura Torres - Author

Saturday, July 5, 2014


Reviews Written by
susan RSS Feed

Abuse Hidden Behind The Badge
Abuse Hidden Behind The Badge
by Rosaura Torres
Edition: Paperback
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars filling the gap in women's stories of survival, September 22, 2013
This review is from: Abuse Hidden Behind The Badge (Paperback)
There has been a void in women's stories of abuse and survival. This autobiography by Ms. Torres helps to fill that void by telling her own story, the story of one latina who could be any or every woman. She writes in a down to earth, compelling way that allows the reader to relate easily. I cried with her, became angry for her, and celebrated with her. For any woman married to a cop who not only thinks it's his right to treat her like a punching bag and with the support of his cop buddies he gets away with it, this personal account will be a beacon of hope that this seemingly unwinnable situation can be overcome. Thank you, Ms. Torres for writing. We need more women to speak up against abuse hidden behind the badge.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


In any relationship, there are good times and bad. In sickness or in health. My ex husband Keith R. Sadler left a month after he caused my first retinal detachment. Don't leave your love one because they fall in sickness. Show them the faith you have in each other and in God. The Devil is at work to destroy the love you have for one another. Be blessed my family and friends.
With warmth and love,
Rosaura Torres

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


The system is broken....there is a plague and it is out of control. Officer Involved Domestic Violence is a serious matter. Stop protecting them. Insist that they get help. Please realize that the abuse affects everyone in the home....Please listen to the cries of the victim.

Rosaura Torres - Author
Abuse Hidden Behind The Badge

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


No matter where you live or where you come from we all want our neighborhood to be clean…Because we live in North Philadelphia, North Camden, and any area in any city we deserve. Not entitlement but….we deserve.

Does anyone notice the dumping that is taking place, does anyone care?!
This trash pile up is located on Lawrence Street in North Philadelphia and Cumberland and Orkney in North Philadelphia, PA 19133….
Someone please help!!! There are many taxpayers in the area and register voters.

I am not running for office but...I do care.

Rosaura Torres - Author

Thursday, May 15, 2014


It has come to my attention that my ex-husband Keith R. Sadler Chief of Police of Lancaster, PA is going to be a character witness for Egberto Colon police officer for the Elizabeth Police Department who is soon to be Clara Colon ex-husband this is Ridicules!!! 

I am proud and honor to say Clara and I have attended Domestic Violence events, the Hispanic Summit together and we continue to help and support victims and survivors of Officer Involved Domestic Violence and Domestic Violence.

I will be a character witness for my sister Clara Colon…In the 20 years of marriage to Keith, I never met nor spoke to Egberto Colon.
I pray our Legal System in New Jersey see through the lies.  I may not be a Police Officer but…I and Clara Colon are the truth!

God bless our survivors!

Rosaura Torres - Author

Wednesday, May 14, 2014



Yesterday afternoon I had a wonderful lady by the name of Jennifer sit in my kitchen and we talked about everything from politics, family, friends and yes justice.

Jennifer asked me “Rosa, did you ever receive Justice.”  I said NO.  So when I hear the cries of so many woman who never received any justice…My heart is sadden.  I want to scream how so many have ignored so many of them.  I hear it in their voices…I hear the tremble as they cry.  They did the right thing, they reported the abuse but…our Justice System failed so many.  So to you amazing politicians, if you want our votes do right by us!!!!  Stop making promises you never keep.

Rosaura Torres - Author

Thursday, May 8, 2014


As years continue forward I sit here and I remember it has been over 30 years ago and it sadden me at times how Keith's Grandmother Margaret would say some really horrible bigot things about her own people and mine.

I think of Sterling and his racist/bigot comments.  Why People continue to say, "That's the way he is, set in his ways." Good lord, those are the exact same words I would hear from Keith’s family.  Stop making excuses for his horrible man.

RIP Margaret Smith Anderson, I will always pray for you.

Rosaura Torres Author

Tuesday, April 22, 2014



Contact Person
Michael W. Thomas
Director of Public Relations

PHILADELPHIA, PA April, 22, 2014 – Author Rosaura Torres, a Philadelphia, PA resident, will have a book signing at El Cafeito, 1700 North Third Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122 on Saturday June 28th, 2014 from 5PM to 8PM. 

Ms. Torres books have won several awards; including First Place in the 2011 International Latino Book Awards in the Best Woman’s Issue category.  In 2012 Ms. Torres won Honorable Mention in Best Woman’s Issue for her Spanish book “Abuso Escondido Detras De La Placa”. Ms. Torres also won Honorable Mention in the 2011 International Latino Books into Movies Awards, at the University of Southern California as part of the Los Angeles Times Book Festival, in the drama category.  Ms. Torres released her controversial and provocative book, “ABUSE HIDDEN BEHIND THE BADGE in July 2010.” In December 2011 “ABUSO ESCONDIDO DETRAS DE LA PLACA” the Spanish version was released.

Ms. Torres has been a vocal activist against domestic violence involving women, children and men for the past 4 yrs. Ms. Torres involvement in this mission came out of her own personal experience as a survivor of domestic violence involving police officers.

This book also tells of this true survivor’s strength and courage to fight back against injustice by those whose duty it is to “protect and serve”. 
Ms. Torres is available for interviews and speaking engagements.

Please contact:  Michael Thomas at 215-888-4884.

Monday, April 14, 2014


Since my book came out in 2010, people still questioned why I, did not speak out against my ex husband Keith R. Sadler? Those who continue to question, here is my answer....I was no one, he made it clear that no one would believe the abuse I suffered because many of you thought he was more truthful because he was Chief Inspector for the Philadelphia Police Department. So many women, children, and men hide in fear because of many who hold high ranking position on any police dept.. 

The one who was suppose to love and protect them is the one they feared the most. Now, I am that person in the darkness staring right back at you!

Be blessed my family and friends
Rosaura Torres

Monday, April 7, 2014


Since my case against retired state trooper Anthony Suber, the death of my nephew Angel Trinidad, my sister Edina Trinidad, so many survivors who continue to reach out to me…I sat in silence, each time praying and begging that our legal system, our
politicians, lawmakers, police departments, all over this great United States, would start holding these abuser accountable but I realize a change will never take place.
My friends my people, my brother’s and sister’s…We must hold those accountable, we must demand from our Politicians, Law makers, police departments and much more!  Let’s not turn away from the victim or survivor…show them they are not alone!

It is up to each and every one of us to stand up…Not protesting or signing petitions….Do you realize the power in each of us!  Keeping silence is wrong, we the PEOPLE can hold them accountable for not doing the right thing.

Be blessed my family and friends.

Rosaura Torres Author

Abuse Hidden Behind the Badge 

Friday, March 7, 2014

State Representative John Sabatina

It was in my plans to run for committee person in State 

Representative John Sabatina area. I realize my vision 

will restrict my ability to give them my 150%....I met State 

Rep. Sabatina and I was very much impressed with 

him. Very humble and modest gentlemen. He reminded me 

of my brother, hero and superman Angel Fuentes who I

love and have the utmost respect for!!!! This is one 

politician who does have my respect and wishing him the 

very best in his future as one outstanding man and continue 

success as one of the great politician!!!

Be blessed,

Rosaura Torres - Author


Dear lord, when will some understand those who continue to live by your word and stand strong for justice for all victims and survivors of Domestic Violence and Officer Involved Domestic Violence?

Lord my father when, will they understand so many who have survived Domestic Violence want to live a normal happy life.  Their experience of abuse is a struggle they will live with for the rest of their lives.  Lord our God, forgive me for my anger, they took my sight, they took my independence, and they took away my faith in those who are supposed to protect us, LAW ENFORCEMENT.

You sent your only son to us and mankind abused and killed your son.  We continue to kill and abused are daughters and sons.  The ignorance and blindness of so many will continue to abuse and kill our children.

Dear God, I have moved on but I must keep my memories to protect myself.  I will never forget the damage that has been caused to myself and to so many.  Mankind, so desperately need your love and protection.  Thank you father for giving me the strength, to help others.
Be blessed always,

Rosaura Torres - Author

Saturday, March 1, 2014



Today was an amazing and wonderful day.  God sent his angel’s and blessed me with a great day.  I spent my afternoon with my children and grandchildren.

George R. Sadler, Moses Jose Sadler, Olympia Y. Howell.  Grandchildren Iliana Y. Howell, Sincere J Howell and Little Baby Leedel Bonelli.

I sat and watched with so much pride, how much we love one another.  George is our fixer…If it’s not a car, he’s trying to fix or always help others.  What an amazing man you are son. 
Moses, what a sense of humor you have, remember you were named after the SON.  I wish many could see the compassion you have. 

Olympia, I am so proud of you and the amazing woman and mother you have become, never stop being the woman you are today and having that quick sense of humor.

Iliana, from the day you and your brother’s were born, and your cousin Angel…Our God sent me so many wonderful gifts and that is each and every one of you!
To my children, those dysfunctional people from our past could not break us!  We are better people for what we have been through.

Love you for life, love you for always,


Rosaura Torres - Author

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


As many within the Latino Community in Philadelphia, PA, there are those who are going to be running for office. I knew the entire time when we were trying to help Aida Guzman this was their personal agenda and truly not helping this abused woman receive JUSTICE!! I will not endorse nor will I participate in helping those who truly will not help others. God bless all of us,and God help us all.

Rosaura Torres - Author

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


To those who feel the need to constantly tell a Survivor of Domestic Violence and who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder….Shut the hell up! You know nothing what it feels like to wake up in the morning and not being able to see! You do not know what it feels to not feeling safe. 

So until you walk in my AND MANY SURVIVORS shoes, SHUT THE HELL UP! If you think I am angry, guess again…I am sick of move forward, COMMENTS and move on! Try to walk in their shoes!!!

Survivor of Officer Involved Domestic Violence, By One Philadelphia Chief Inspector, Keith Sadler and a Pa State Trooper Anthony Suber.

Author Rosaura Torres

Monday, January 20, 2014



In the last week or more, I have had two separate conversation with amazing people.  It finally answered question that I myself questioned?! 

During my divorce I remember so clearly how I was questioned who I lived with, I believe they were trying to see if I was cohabiting with another man.  I was living with my daughter and grandchildren.

During the court proceeding, my ex-husband Keith R. Sadler, was asked the same questioned, as the words came out of his mouth he, bluntly, without a twitched or facial expression lied!  The Majesty asked him if he lived with anyone and he said no…Forgetting that not long ago is mistress, now wife followed me into a rest room at Whitaker Diner and shared with me how they lived together and he was taking care of their kids.

Many officers are trained to cover up the truth, and what makes it even worse the judge, district attorney’s and attorneys believe them.  Keith’s was caught in a lie and my attorney crossed examined him, he stumbled all over his words…Of course I was thrilled because each court officer looked over at him in shock LOL!!!  Busted.

So….to all my sister’s and brother’s
Out of my own personal experience, here is my advice to all of you.

1.     If you have any personal documents to prove of past and present history of abuse, make copies.  Never give the original to your Lawyer, Prosecutors, even a politician, never.

2.     When a police officer arrives to your home make your statement short and brief, instead of them becoming the observer, you become the observer.

3.     We all know how difficult it is not to become emotional when it involves being the victim of Domestic Violence by an Officer of the Law or anyone.  They will try to accuse you with disorderly conduct, I beg you try to stay calm.

4.     Each and every time you need to call 911 on another police officer, be prepared in the past and in the present, the code of silence, the blue wall does not protect the victim OF Domestic Violence.  To all victims of Domestic Violence, this is the beginning of your life to protect yourself.

My prayers are with all of you….Much love and respect.

Rosaura Torres-Author

Monday, January 13, 2014


Please God, I pray to you...If one more loved one tells me to move on about what happened to me...I truly do not know what I can do....My answer to them, dear God is if they cannot handle my decision to speak out...Than remove me and ignore me.

To the many who would rather I keep silence, I cannot!  To the many who have turned away when I and so many have begged for help I cannot!

I am no longer that scared little girl, when I turn around I see so many wonderful woman and men who stand with me…so stop because until my time, I will not stop.

God bless all you.

Rosaura Torres

Friday, January 3, 2014


It has come to my attention many Philadelphia police officers have been watching my every posting and every move. 

Let me emphasize this to the Philadelphia Police Department and any other police department out there.  I do not hate police, I am tired of the cover up!  I am tired of the abuse of power!  I am tired how many of you feel you are above the law!   I know there are good, decent officers.  On the Philadelphia Police department.  The problem is many would rather protect your bad apples because they are high ranking officers, give me a break. 

If the media put’s out information, I will repost it….every single posting I shared through the internet is because what the media has share with the community. 

If I refuse to keep silent, and not protect the image of my past abuser…It is my right as an American of the United States…SO STOP TRYING TO SILENCE ME, BECAUSE YOU CAN’T.  The truth has set me FREE.

You wonder, when she will stop….I’m not!

Rosaura Torres Author

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


For days now I have searched deep within my soul.  It has been less than two years since my nephew Angel Trinidad died and now I lost my sister Edina Trinidad’s right before her 59th birthday. 
I had an amazing conversation with someone I love and respect but it did sadden me and I searched deep in my soul. 

The years have passed since I made my peace with our God, The Great Spirit, his son Jesus.  I am free and at peace so I choose to continue to speak out against my ex-husband Keith R. Sadler and Anthony Suber for the damage they have caused to my vision, or anyone who have caused severe damage to any victim of Domestic Violence. 

This is my right as a Queen of our God.

So to my wonderful friend, thank you.  Your thoughts are well respected but….I will continue to be the voice for myself and many others. 

Happy New Year and be blessed always,

Rosaura Torres Author